Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Final Multimedia Project

What I did for my Multimedia final was a "portfolio" website was to gather all my projects starting from the beginning of the six weeks to the last six weeks of the school year. All these projects including, the Educational Game, Typography, Website and the Digital Manifest were created in either Photoshop, Rome, illustrator, Flash or Iphoto. I planned the setup of this project by using a website that was already created and replaced the information on the website with my projects. I had a page for every program I have used and in each page I installed my projects according to the program that was used. This project could have been improved by adding a description for every image to show the audience an understanding of the purpose for the project and why I used that program to create my project. An error created in this project was installing or importing the images onto the slides. I had to redo it because the image would show in all slides instead of one.


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