Saturday, April 14, 2012

Flash project : Website evaluation

For this flash project I choose to do a flash website. To get ideas and to learn exactly how to create a flash website I used my past skills and knowledge of the flash Program. I also used these websites to help -

My plan for this flash website is create a website with information on universal sports such as boxing, tennis and ice skating. It will have information on each sport. I will create this by usin my skills on flash and following a video that's shows an example on how exactly to make a flash website. 

My creation was the universal sports flash website. 

I created this flash website by using the knowledge and skills of the tutorials and mini project over how to use flash. Creating this universal sports flash website was interesting since you learn ways to create press and play buttons and how I design it. 
An error that happened through out this process was misunderstanding 
How to create press buttons and typing the orders to the program exactly how it should be without messing up one single letter. 

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