Monday, November 28, 2011

Self Assesment

Digital Manifestation

Investigate =  6

Designing =  4

Plan =  5

Create =  5

Evaluate =  6


Investigate = 6

Designing = 4

Plan = 5

Create = 6

Evaluate = 6


    RGB stands for Red, Green and Blue. In color theory, these are the 3 primary colors based on light (additive color). When these colors combine they produce white, and when any two primary colors combine they produce a secondary color. The purpose for RGB is to represent and display images through the electronic system. As used in photography, it is also used through input devices such as TV, digital cameras , scanners and output devices like computers, phone or projectors.
   CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key (Black). These colors are 3 primary colors used as ink, pigments, or paints (subtractive color). When these colors combine they produce black, and when two of these primary colors combine they produce 1 of the 3 colors of RGB. Purpose of the CMYK is to be used in color printing since it pretty much creates all the colors needed trough an image being printed.

3by3 Free Stock Photo


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

File Types

 - Ai uses Vector files that include mathematical equations that combine together to make lines and images.
It is good for logo designs because you can scale it up or down without losing good quality.
 - Jpeg are used for photographs and are save from digital images. However, Jpeg is not good for images with lines, text or certain form of shapes.
 - PNG uses Bitmap format and supports palette based images. It was to improve and replace GIF and is used to transfer images on the internet.
 - SVG uses Vector Graphic format and they can be searched, indexed, scripted, and compressed. It is part of XML based file format.
  We use different file formats because each project works differently and are needed to be transferred using different file formats since each project are used in different programs. ( which also depends on the program)

Thursday, November 3, 2011



I choose to collect and graph scientific data in Adobe Illustrator. I investigated information over two brands of cars (within those two came different versions) and their time to reach to 60mph v.s their quarter mile. In using Adobe Illustrator i mostly used line segment tool, with the help of the grid option to aline my graph as well as text tool to write out the info on the graph as well as the answer key and the brush tool to show what version or car represents a certain color. 
In investigating I could have looked for a more challenging variable other than quarter mile.
In planning I could have made the y-asxi more varied 
In creating I could have been improved if gave mathematical equations and if I gave a small description of what the graph is used for.