Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

flash websites




Wednesday, February 22, 2012

End of six weeks reflection

Yes I feel these six weeks was successful because I finished both projects and feel I accomplished my goal to design a educational game.
My work ethic affected this by pushing me to reach my goal, stay on task and put thought and creativity to the layout design of the project.
Of the two projects I preferred typography because the project was more about the way you are and includes your personality and what exactly you like when it comes to art.
The software that I worked mostly in was Adobe Photoshop. I choose this software because the features in photoshop are more complex tha illustrator or Rome. It allows me to edit more things on the design.
If I were to begin it again I would use the same software (Adobe photoshop)
Something that I have learned this six weeks that I may use beyond this class is how to use Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Rome because I can apply these skills to class projects for photography digital/visual presentations.