Monday, October 24, 2011

Digital Manifestation

Investigate: Sources

- Adobe Illustrator "Help Tool"




I choose to design and create a digital manifestation of myself in Adobe illustrator. I investigated and comprehended ways to use different tools in Adobe Illustrator and applied those skills when creating my digital design. I used the yellow, blue and red as my background colors which represent the Colombian Flag. I am very proud to be Colombian and am not ashamed of my backgrounds and roots. For my actually Digital manifestation of myself i created a miniature version of myself and used tools like “ pencil tool, brush tool. rectangle tool (Ellipse Tool) etc.
  This product could be improved by going more in depth with Illustrator and understanding and investigating more ways to use most tools that this program provides.
   In investigation I could have looked for ways to make the details on my digital manifestation more real. Probably on how to make the hair on the head more detailed and fine, or how to create a better body structure.
   In Planing I could have improved by making my image more realistic and add movement to my object.
   In Creating I could have use the “help tool” more so it can demonstrate more ways to play with color, lineament, or shapes.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Bird Not finished :/


Vector v.s Bitmap

     The difference between Vector and a Bitmap is that Bitmaps use pixels( tiny dots) and vector use mathematical equations known as scalable objects. Therefore when a image from Bitmap is blown up it will look blurry because the pixels will show and not blend. An image blown up in a Vector graph will come out more clear and defined because they are resolution independent.

Source :